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1. The Word of The Day
The Word of The Day
The word of the day is 吃(chī) which means “to eat”, it is made up of the 2 characters 口(kǒu) which means “mouth”, and 乞 (qǐ) which means “to beg”. 口(kǒu) resembles the shape of a mouth and qi resembles someone kneeling down and begging. Making 吃(chī): to eat.
The word of the day is 忘(wàng) which means “to forget”. It is made up of the characters 亡(wáng ) which means “to die” and “non-existence”, and 心(xīn) which means “heart”. A good way of remembering this character is that the character 亡(wáng ) can sometimes look like a coffin and memories are something you know by heart. When your memory gets buried ; you forget. Making the word 忘(wàng): “to forget”.
The word of the day is 寿( shòu) which means “longevity”. It is made up of the 2 characters : 丰( fēng) which means “abundance” and 寸(cūn)which means “inch”. In ancient Chinese history when people measured length of a shadow on a sundial to determine time, they would use 寸(cūn):inch as a unit of measurement. So this word is relative to the concept of time. When you have an abundance of time it means “longevity” : 寿( shòu)
The word of the day is 拿(ná)which means “to hold”. It is made up of the characters: 合(hé)which means “to close”, and 手(shǒu)which means “hand”. You close your hand in order to hold things making 拿(ná): ”to hold”.
The word of the day is 菜(cài)which means “vegetable”. It is made up of the radical / 偏旁部首(piān páng bù shǒu): 艹(cǎo zì tóu), derived from the character 草(cǎo)which means “grass” ; and the character 采(cǎi)which means “to pick”. A good way of remembering this character is that you pick vegetation to harvest vegetables. Making 菜(càin):”vegetable”.
The word of the day is 博(bó)which means “plentiful”. It is made up of the 2 characters: 十(shí)which means “the number ten”, and 尃( fū)which means “to disperse”. A good way of remembering this character is that you tend to distribute things you have plenty of making 博(bó) : “plentiful”.
The word of the day is 谢 (xiè) which means “To Thank”. It is made up of the radical 言(yán) which means “speech”, 身(shēn ) which means ”body“ and 寸(cùn) which means “inch”. Traditionally in history, when you say “thank you” your body should move one inch forward to bow. When you put it all together it makes 谢 (xiè) : “To Thank”.
The word of the day is 闹 (nào) which means noisy. It is made up of the 2 characters: 门 (mén) which means “door”, and 市 (shì) which means “market”. When you put a market full of people behind closed doors, it makes the room very noisy. Making 闹 (nào) : noisy.
The word of the day is 热(rè) which means “Hot”. It is made up of the radical 扌(tí shǒu páng) derived from the character 手(shǒu) which means “Hand”, and the character 丸(wán) which means “Ball”. When you put them together they make the word 执(zhí) which means “To Grasp”. Below it is the radical 灬 (huǒ) which looks like fire from a stove boiling underneath, derived from the character 火(huǒ) which means “fire”. So when you grasp a freshly boiled fishball from the pot, its bound to be hot. Making 热(rè) : “Hot”.
The word of the day is 咸(xián) which means “Salty”. Within the main character are 2 other characters: 一(yī) and 口(kǒu). 一(yī) means “One” and 口(kǒu) which means “Mouth”. So a good way to remember this character is when you eat a mouth full of salt, it’s too salty. Making 咸(xián) : “Salty”.
The word of the day is 感(gǎn) which means “To Feel”. It is made up of the characters咸(xián) which means “Salty” and 心(xīn) which means “Heart”. In addition to what we learned in the last lesson; a good way to remember this new character is when you eat something salty, the sensation is so strong you can even feel it in your heart. Making 感(gǎn) : “To Feel”.
The word of the day is 闷(mèn) which means bored. It is made up of the characters 门(mén) which means “Door” and 心(xīn) which means “Heart”. When you keep your heart stuffed indoors, you get bored. Making 闷(mèn) : “Bored”.
The word of the day is 哭(kū) which means “To Cry”. It is made up of the characters 口(kǒu) which means “Mouth” and 大(dà) which means “Big” accompanied with a diǎn. A good way of remembering this character is that when you cry, you cry with your mouth big and wide open. The 2 口(kǒu) above with the diǎn can also look like eyes and a teardrop. Making 哭(kū) : “To Cry”
The word of the day is 快(kuài) which means “Fast”. It is made up of the radical 忄(shù xīn páng) derived from the character 心(xīn) which means “Heart” and the character 夬(guǎi) which means “Decisive”. A good way of remembering this character is that; with a decisive heart you make fast decisions. Making 快(kuài) : “Fast”.